Winget Introduction

Winget The New Windows Package Manager

If you’re a Windows user, you’re probably familiar with the process of downloading and installing software from the internet.
It can be a time-consuming process that involves visiting various websites, downloading installers, and manually installing each program.
But now, Microsoft has introduced a new solution to simplify the process: Winget.
Winget is a new open-source command-line tool for Windows that allows you to quickly and easily install software packages from the command line.
It’s similar to package managers like apt-get on Linux or Homebrew on macOS, but specifically designed for the Windows platform.

How does it work?

Winget works by using a repository of software packages, much like other package managers. When you run the Winget command with the name of a package, it will search the repository for that package and download and install it automatically.

To use Winget, you first need to install it on your system. You can do this by downloading the installer from the Microsoft Store or by using PowerShell to install it directly. Once installed, you can use the Winget command in the command prompt or PowerShell to install packages.

For example, if you want to install Google Chrome using Winget, you would simply run the following command:

winget install Google.Chrome

Winget will then search the repository for the Chrome package, download it, and install it on your system. It’s as simple as that!

What are the benefits?

The main benefit of Winget is that it simplifies the process of installing software on Windows. You no longer have to visit various websites, download installers, and manually install each program. Instead, you can install software with a single command from the command line.
Additionally, Winget ensures that you’re downloading software from a trusted source. The repository is maintained by Microsoft, and all packages are reviewed and approved before being added to the repository.
This helps to prevent malware and other security issues that can arise from downloading software from untrusted sources.

Finally, Winget makes it easy to install multiple packages at once. You can create a batch file that contains a list of packages to install, and Winget will install them all automatically. This is great for setting up a new system or reinstalling Windows on an existing system.


Winget is a powerful new tool for Windows users that simplifies the process of installing software. With Winget, you can install software packages from the command line quickly and easily, and with the assurance that the software is coming from a trusted source. If you’re a Windows user, I highly recommend giving Winget a try!
